Please contact the office via email at to purchase a tap either in a subdivision or on a large lot for a single home not in a subdivision. Please have the following information available:
- Parcel number
- Lot & Block number for subdivisions
- Parcel size
- Address (if known)
Application Process
New or amended service to any property in the District requires review by LTWD to evaluate the ability to serve the property with domestic water or water required for fire protection. This evaluation begins with a pre-application meeting and submitting a completed Development Application that identifies what is being requested for new or amended service to a property. Completed Development Applications should be submitted via email to
Download Development Application PDF
The District holds regular pre-application meetings at the District offices on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. A pre-application meeting may be scheduled with the scheduling link.
As a part of the planning, entitlement, and permitting process for new or modified water service to a property, a commitment letter may be requested by the local land planning agency. The commitment letter will identify what is required to provide service to the property according to the information provided on the Development Application. This provision of water service may require on-site or off-site infrastructure improvements and water right dedication.
Development of any new subdivision will require a development agreement that outlines the responsibilities of the developer and the District.
Construction of any water system infrastructure shall adhere to District-approved plans following a preconstruction meeting and District-approved submittals. Construction of water system improvements shall follow the District’s Specifications as found in Section 6 of the District Rules and Regulations and the District’s standard details, as applicable.
Download Section 6 Rules and Regulations – Specifications
Download District Standard Details
Tap Fees
Tap fees cover the cost of establishing a new service or connection to LTWD’s distribution system and include costs associated with plant investment fees (PIF), installation fees, water resource fees, and raw water dedication requirements.
Purchase of residential taps within multi-lot subdivisions developed after January 1, 2014, must have water rights dedicated and assigned to the lot prior to the lot being available for service and the installation of the service line and meter pit have been completed by the developer. These residential taps in multi-lot subdivisions only require the Installation Fee portion that covers LTWD’s cost to acquire and install the meter and pressure regulator.
Download Schedule A - Residential Tap Fees
Download Schedule A - Non-Residential Tap Fees
Water Dedication Requirements
Dedication of water rights to meet the raw water requirement for development of residential and non-residential lots shall be made in accordance with District Rules and Regulations. Dedication of any water right other than Colorado-Big Thompson (C-BT) units may require an evaluation to ensure that the water right is valued appropriately, which cost shall be paid for by the Developer. Additional fees for dedication of water rights other than C-BT units may be required per Section 1502.2 Schedule C Miscellaneous Fees of the District Rules and Regulations.
Download Schedule C - Miscellaneous Fees
Residential Requirements
Development of multi-lot subdivisions require the dedication of water rights to the District for the treatment and delivery of those water rights to the future customers that will own or occupy those lots.
The District allows developments of one or two lots to pay cash-in-lieu to meet their water dedication requirements for service to those lots. This includes the residential tap purchase for lots outside of subdivisions for a single new residential service.
Download Schedule D - Residential Raw Water Dedication Requirements
Non-Residential Requirements
The District allows non-residential (commercial or industrial) taps to utilize cash-in-lieu to meet their water rights dedication requirement for their single site development up to five acre-feet. If a non-residential service requires more than five acre-feet of water dedication, the developer/builder will be required to purchase water rights sufficient to meet the raw water dedication requirement for the lot on the open market.
Water dedication requirements are listed in the link below with the MINIMUM dedication requirement for each tap size; however, it is the responsibility of the developer to provide the water usage for each tap requested. Irrigation tap peak and annual water usage should be based on demands estimated by a landscape architect or similar professional.
Download Schedule D - Non-Residential Raw Water Dedication Requirements
Non-Potable System Requirements
Non-potable systems may help reduce the overall water dedication for potable use required for a subdivision; however, the adequacy of the water supply must be evaluated for use in the subdivision. Any proposed non-potable system will be required to follow the requirements of Section 17 of the District’s Rules and Regulations.