New Service or Change in Use of Existing Service
As a part of the planning and permitting process for new residential or commercial construction within LTWD, the building or planning agencies of the counties or cities typically require a letter indicating that LTWD can serve the property or proof that the builder has purchased a tap. When new residential service is desired to a lot outside of an existing subdivision an evaluation of LTWD’s system must be done to ensure service is available. When this is required, a request for commitment letter should be submitted with the appropriate fees to LTWD. LTWD will issue a commitment letter, also known as a will serve letter, to signify to the planning or building agency that the lot can be served and any conditions required for service.
When commercial service is desired to an unimproved lot or a significant change in the water use of an improved lot is anticipated, a request for non-residential commitment letter form should be filled out and turned in with the appropriate fees to LTWD for system evaluation. LTWD will issue a commitment letter to signify to the planning or building agency or lot owner that the lot can be served and any conditions required for service.
All requests for service are reviewed and approved by the LTWD District Engineer. For more information call our office at (970) 532-2096.
Tap Fee Schedule
Download Tap Fees Effective March 22, 2024
Tap fees cover the cost of establishing a new service or connection to LTWD's distribution system and include costs associated with plant investment fees, installation fees, and raw water requirements:
- Plant Investment Fee (PIF) – recovers costs associated with building treatment plant capacity, storage and transmission mains for the delivery of potable water to new customers.
- Installation Fee – the cost of installing the service line, meter and meter pit to a new lot. Developers are required to install all water lines and services to each lot, including meter pits in subdivisions.
- Raw Water Requirement – water rights dedicated to LTWD to provide the water needed to serve a new tap. Water rights are required to be dedicated for all new developments in LTWD. Individual taps purchased may be allowed to pay a “cash-in-lieu” fee to satisfy the water rights requirement. LTWD can accept Colorado-Big Thompson (C-BT), Consolidated Home Supply Ditch, Big Thompson Ditch and Manufacturing Company, and Handy Ditch water rights. Any questions in regards to water rights requirements may be directed to Joe Pitti, Water Resources Specialist at 970-344-6387. (Refer to the table at the bottom of the page for water rights requirements).
For the purchase of water taps located within a multi-lot subdivision developed after January 1, 2014, water rights must be transferred to satisfy the raw water requirement of the water tap fee.
Effective March 22, 2024
Meter Size 5/8 inch Inside Use Micro-Home or less than 1,000 square feet | Plant Investment Fee $10,200 | Installation Fee $4,000 (1) | Cash-in-Lieu of Water Rights $26,100 (2 and 3) | Water Resource Fee $1,000 | Total Cost of Tap $41,300 |
Meter Size 5/8 inch Inside Use Single Family greater than 1,000 square feet | Plant Investment Fee $12,550 | Installation Fee $4,000 (1) | Cash-in-Lieu of Water Rights $36,250 (2 and 3) | Water Resource Fee $1,000 | Total Cost of Tap $53,800 |
Meter Size 5/8 inch Conservation (Urban) between 1,001 to 9,000 square feet | Plant Investment Fee $15,250 | Installation Fee $4,000 (1) | Cash-in-Lieu of Water Rights $50,750 (2 and 3) | Water Resource Fee $1,000 | Total Cost of Tap $71,000 |
Meter Size 5/8 inch Conservation Plus (Urban) between 9,001 to 13,000 square feet | Plant Investment Fee $16,250 | Installation Fee $4,000 (1) | Cash-in-Lieu of Water Rights $79,750 (2 and 3) | Water Resource Fee $1,000 | Total Cost of Tap $101,000 |
Meter Size 5/8 inch Standard between 13,001 to 17,000 square feet | Plant Investment Fee $19,200 | Installation Fee $4,000 (1) | Cash-in-Lieu of Water Rights $101,500 (2 and 3) | Water Resource Fee $1,000 | Total Cost of Tap $125,700 |
Meter Size 3/4 inch Estate greater than 17,001 square feet | Plant Investment Fee $27,200 | Installation Fee $4,000 (1) | Cash-in-Lieu of Water Rights $159,500 (2 and 3) | Water Resource Fee $1,000 | Total Cost of Tap $191,700 |
(1) If the service line and meter pit have already been installed by the developer, the installation fee is reduced to $700.
(2) If the water rights dedication has been made by the developer, the water rights dedication has been satisfied and there is no cash-in-lieu of water rights required. Not all lots are eligible to pay cash-in-lieu of dedicating water rights. See Section 1505.5 Schedule D for more raw water dedication information.
(3) The Cash-in-Lieu price is based on recent sale prices for water sources allowable for dedication, such that LTWD may purchase the raw water dedication requirement for lots allowed to utilize the Cash-in-Lieu option. The current price for Residential Cash-in-Lieu is $145,000 per acre foot.
Accessory Dwelling Fee
Effective 1/1/2024 | Cash-in-Lieu of Water Rights $26,000 | Water Resource Fee $1,000 | Total Fee $27,000 |
Effective March 22, 2024
Meter Size 5/8 inch Inside Use | Plant Investment Fee $13,300 | Installation Fee District Supplied Materials $4,000 | Water Resource Fee $1,000 | Installation Fee Developer Supplied Materials $700 |
Meter Size 5/8 inch Conservation (Urban) | Plant Investment Fee $16,700 | Installation Fee District Supplied Materials $4,000 | Water Resource Fee $1,000 | Installation Fee Developer Supplied Materials $700 |
Meter Size 5/8 inch | Plant Investment Fee $26,600 | Installation Fee District Supplied Materials $4,000 | Water Resource Fee $1,000 | Installation Fee Developer Supplied Materials $700 |
Meter Size 3/4 inch | Plant Investment Fee $39,900 | Installation Fee District Supplied Materials $4,500 | Water Resource Fee $1,500 | Installation Fee Developer Supplied Materials $800 |
Meter Size 1 inch | Plant Investment Fee $66,400 | Installation Fee District Supplied Materials $5,000 | Water Resource Fee $2,500 | Installation Fee Developer Supplied Materials $1,800 |
Meter Size 1 and 1/2 inch | Plant Investment Fee $132,900 | Developer must install | Water Resource Fee $5,000 | Installation Fee Developer Supplied Materials $2,200 |
Meter Size 2 inch | Plant Investment Fee $212,600 | Developer must install | Water Resource Fee $8,000 | Installation Fee Developer Supplied Materials $2,920 |
Meter Size 3 inch | Plant Investment Fee $465,500 | Developer must install | Water Resource Fee $17,500 | Contact office for current pricing |
Meter Size 4 inch | Plant Investment Fee $798,000 | Developer must install | Water Resource Fee $30,000 | Contact office for current pricing |
Water Rights Dedication for Non-Residential taps must be provided by the developer; however, when available, LTWD may allow non-residential taps to purchase up to 5 acre-feet of water dedication through LTWD’s non-residential cash-in-lieu program at the current market rate of $145,000 per acre-foot.
*See Water Dedication section below to determine water dedication requirements.
Open the following PDF to download Section 1502.2 Schedule C Miscellaneous Fees, effective March 22, 2024 below:
For the purchase of water taps located within a multi-lot subdivision developed after January 1, 2014, water rights must be transferred to satisfy the raw water requirement of the water tap fee.
Water Dedications
Effective January 1, 2024
Tap Size 5/8 inch Inside Use Only Micro-Home or Less Than 1,000 square feet | Residential and Non-Residential Minimum Raw Water Dedication Requirements 60,000 gallons (0.18 ac-ft) |
Tap Size 5/8 inch Inside Use Only Single Family Greater Than 1,000 square feet | Residential and Non-Residential Minimum Raw Water Dedication Requirements 82,000 gallons (0.25 ac-ft) |
Tap Size 5/8 inch Conservation (Urban) | Residential and Non-Residential Minimum Raw Water Dedication Requirements 114,000 gallons (0.35 ac-ft) |
Tap Size 5/8 inch Conservation Plus (Urban) | Residential and Non-Residential Minimum Raw Water Dedication Requirements 180,000 gallons (0.55 ac-ft) |
Tap Size 5/8 inch Standard | Residential and Non-Residential Minimum Raw Water Dedication Requirements 228000 gallons (0.70 ac-ft) |
Tap Size 3/4 inch Estate | Residential and Non-Residential Minimum Raw Water Dedication Requirements 360,000 gallons (1.10 ac-ft) |
Accessory Dwelling (Residential Only) | Residential Minimum Raw Water Dedication Requirements 60,000 gallons (0.18 ac-ft) |
Tap Size 1 inch Non-Residential | Non-Residential Minimum Raw Water Dedication Requirements 586,000 gallons (1.80 ac-ft) |
Tap Size 1 and 1/2 inch Non-Residential | Non-Residential Minimum Raw Water Dedication Requirements 1,140,000 gallons (3.50 ac-ft) |
Tap Size 2 inch Non-Residential | Residential and Non-Residential Minimum Raw Water Dedication Requirements 1,824,,000 gallons (5.60 ac-ft) |
Non-residential tap raw water dedication requirements shall not be less than the table above and shall be based on anticipated usage for the facility as provided by the customer and approved by LTWD. Taps larger than 2-inch shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Individual residential lot customers may be allowed to pay Cash-in-Lieu (CIL) of raw water dedication requirements per Section 1505.6 of LTWD's Rules and Regulations. If available to residential customers, these fees shall be issued based on the amount of raw water dedication requirement listed above applied at the CIL price listed in Section 1501.1 Schedule A - Tap Fees.
LTWD has approved the following water rights for meeting raw water dedication requirements for water credit or assignment in the amounts as illustrated below. Other water sources may be considered but must be approved by the Board.
Water Source | Assigned Value of Water Credit |
Colorado-Big Thompson (C-BT) | 0.50 ac-ft per share |
Consolidated Home Supply Shares | 3.50 ac-ft per share |
Big Thompson Ditch and Manufacturing Company | 49.1 acre-feet per share |
Handy Ditch Shares | 2.50 ac-ft per share |
Additional Native Water Dedication Fee and Handy Ditch Dedication Fee will be assigned as listed in Section 1502.2 Schedule C to recover the costs of taking the native water rights through the water court and the change of use process.
(ac-ft = Acre Feet)