Supply and Planning

Where Does Our Water Come From?

Our raw water comes from the Colorado River through the Colorado-Big Thompson Project (C-BT), managed by the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District or Northern Water. C-BT water is collected in western slope reservoirs and transported through the Alva B. Adams Tunnel to Mary’s Lake, Lake Estes, Pinewood and Flatiron Reservoirs and finally pumped to Carter Lake where it is conveyed to the Carter Lake Filter Plants for treatment. In addition, the District maintains supplemental and emergency connections with other water supply systems and can receive supplemental water in various parts of our service area. These connections provide emergency supplies and supplemental water to boost service in remote areas of the district. Use this link to visit the Northern Water website for more information on the Northern Water system.

About Rates and Charges

Each year, we review our rates and make adjustments to reflect the cost of providing water to our customers. Rates are typically approved by our Board of Directors in November and become effective January 1. Rate Hearings are always posted at least 30 days in advance.

What Your Rates Cover

Customer bills include a base charge (water base) that covers administrative and fixed costs. The water usage charge is a tiered rate per 1,000 gallons that increases with higher water usage. Customer rates cover operational costs and capital projects needed for the operation of the District's distribution system.

Water Rights Planning

Based on projected use and new customer growth within the system, LTWD plans for water supplies to provide:

  • Annual water needs from existing customers

  • Drought Protection: adequate water supply in the event of a prolonged (up to 5 years) drought.
  • LTWD acquires water from the C-BT project and local ditch companies. Multiple water sources provide LTWD redundancy in case of droughts, fires, or other infrastructure problems.

Construction Projects

Each year, construction within LTWD's boundaries contributes to the reliability of our distribution system through replacement of older pipes and vaults, extension of service lines to new development and pipe replacement needed during road repair or replacement.

Capital Expenses

Capital expenses in LTWD's annual budget also cover equipment, vehicles, water rights acquisition and LTWD's share of project costs at the jointly owned (Central Weld County Water District and LTWD) Carter Lake Filter Plant.

Water Storage Projects

In 2003, LTWD agreed to share costs in the Windy Gap Firming Project for the design of Chimney Hollow Reservoir. When completed, Northern Water's Chimney Hollow Reservoir will help stabilize LTWD's water supply in drought years through the storage of additional water during wet years.