Residential and Non-Residential Rates

(Scroll to bottom of page for the 2022 and 2023 Rate Structures.)

As of July 1, 2020, the District has three types of 5/8″, residential water taps; Inside Use Only, Conservation (Urban) Tap, and Standard Tap. The taps are differentiated by the amount of water available (allotted) to the customer each year based on the amount of water that was dedicated to the District at the time of construction. The water rate structures are different for each tap.

Inside Use Only Tap

Customers requiring water for indoor use (drinking water, washing, toilets) usually found in multi-family residences, such as apartment buildings or townhomes, typically purchase an Indoor Use Only Tap. Irrigation for landscaping is typically managed by a homeowners' association or a property  management group.

  • The amount of water a customer is allowed to use from January through December is called their annual allotment. The annual allotment for Inside Use Only Tap customers is 60,000 gallons. If a customer's year-to-date water use exceeds this amount, a surcharge of $20.00 per 1,000 gallons for every 1,000 gallons over the allotment is added to the usage charge for the remainder of the calendar year.
  • The year-to-date water use and allotment of each customer is shown just below the graph at the bottom of the monthly bill.

Conservation Tap (a.k.a. Urban Tap)

Customers requiring water for indoor use (drinking water, washing, toilets) and outdoor use for smaller landscapes usually found in urban neighborhoods (7,000 to 9,000 square foot lots) typically purchase a Conservation (Urban) Tap. In some cases, residential customers with larger properties and either limited landscapes or have alternative sources of raw water such as a well or ditch rights may also purchase the Conservation (Urban) Tap.

  • The amount of water a customer is allowed to use from January through December is called their annual allotment. The annual allotment for Conservation (Urban) Tap customers is 114,000 gallons. If a customer's year-to-date water use exceeds this amount, a surcharge of $20.00 per 1,000 gallons for every 1,000 gallons over the allotment is added to the usage charge for the remainder of the calendar year.
  • The year-to-date water use and allotment of each customer is shown just below the graph at the bottom of the monthly bill.
  • In most cases, customers with urban properties will have sufficient water available each year without incurring a surcharge. Customers who desire to have more than 114,000 gallons per year available without a usage surcharge can upgrade to a Standard Tap. Contact the District at 970-532-2096 for additional details.

Standard Tap

Customers requiring water for properties with large landscapes and gardens, livestock, and higher indoor usage, generally in more rural settings, typically purchase a Standard Tap. Currently there is no surcharge for the Standard Tap, but the cost for higher consumption is reflected in a higher rate in the fourth tier. As of January 1, 2021, a fifth tier has been added for usage over 70,000 gallons per month.

  • The amount of water a customer is allowed to use from January through December is called their annual allotment. The annual allotment for Standard Tap customers is 228,000 gallons. 
  • The year-to-date water use of each customer is shown just below the graph at the bottom of the monthly bill.

Non-residential rates are determined by the size of the service tap.

Below is the 2023 Rate Structure that was approved by the Board of Directors at their November 10, 2022, meeting effective January 1, 2023.

Download the 2023 Rate Structure Effective January 1, 2023

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