LTWD is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors (Board), elected by LTWD customers to oversee the overall management and administration of LTWD. LTWD’s daily operations are managed by the District Manager, who reports directly to the Board.
The Board is composed of seven members who represent seven designated Wards within LTWD. Following is a listing of the current Board members and their respective Wards, also below is the Director Boundary Map:
CURRENT TERM: 2022 – 2025 3-year
Hillrose and Brush, Colorado schools, Aims College and the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO
Director Walker was born in Brush and raised on a family farm in Hillrose, CO. After receiving degrees
from schools in Greeley, he moved back to farm in northeast CO and for the next 25 years his wife worked as a registered nurse while they raised four children. They expanded the farming operation to include ranching and custom cattle feeding. Mr. Walker’s hobby was teaching Tae Kwon Do classes part time at Morgan County Community College. In 1988 he led a successful movement of "Hailed Out Farmers in NE CO" to lobby congress to include hail relief in The Drought Bill of 1988. This provided much needed assistance to young farmers as well as the more established operations across the U.S.
With much prayer and consideration, he relocated to Weld and Larimer Counties and finally settled in Loveland. Mr. Walker began a new career with the CO Department of Trans. where his background in agriculture served well. He is a recent retiree of CDOT where he managed the state "Avalanche Control" and the "Noxious Weed" programs. He brought together the CDOT spray crews and the County weed managers to work together with the CO Dept. of Ag. Mr. Walker continues consulting work for avalanche control and looks forward to the winter snow, more for the snowpack for water supplies than the thrill of avalanches. Before retiring, Mr. Walker was part of a major transition at CDOT to implement new avalanche control systems, including the Gazex systems, that are still being installed across the state in dangerous avalanche zones. The newer systems are much safer to the public as well as the control teams at CDOT, significantly reducing the use of high explosive rounds being fired or the use of other dangerous mitigation systems.
In addition to being a current member of the LTWD Board of Directors, Mr. Walker has provided community service or as a Board member to:
- Avalanche Artillery Users of North America
- Advanced Explosive Processing Research Group, CDOT, CO School of Mines
- CO Weed Management Association
- State Weed Committee, CO Department of Ag
- Washington County Soil Conservation District 1
- Wiggins Farmers COOP
- Rock Creek Soil Conservation District
- Morgan County Farm Services Agency
CURRENT TERM: 2022 – 2025 3-year
DIRECTOR SINCE: July 10, 2014
BS Mechanical Engineering – University of Wyoming
Director Martens started his career as a Nozzle designer for solid propellant rocket engines, at Thiokol Chemical Corporation, Brigham City, UT. Mr. Martens moved on to a career with Siemens as projects manager for water treatment equipment in the U.S. and dozens of countries around the world. Mr. Martens retired from Siemens after 36-years and started a consulting business in 2014 which continues to provide as much "work" as needed.
Mr. Martens lives in the Mariana Cove subdivision in Loveland with his wife Judy. Their son Adam also lives in Loveland, and their daughter Ashley and family live in Bozeman, Montana. The Martens have been LTWD tap holder for more than 20 years.

Fishing, hunting, hiking, and camping top the list of his fun activities. Golf may fit in there somewhere
CURRENT TERM: Current Term 2023 - 2025 2-year
BS Mechanical Engineering
Worked 33 years primarily in computer and networking hardware and software.
- Currently serving on Little Thompson Water District’s board of directors.
- Currently serving on Loveland Utility Commission board.
- Past service on the Carter Lake Filter Plant board of directors.
- Past service on the South Platte Basin Roundtable.
Coloradoan since 1970. Lived in Loveland since 1988. Married with 3 children and 5 grandchildren.
Personal goals for the District:
- Make sure there is safe, quality water available 24/365.
- Be frugal with the tap holders money.
- Support policies towards our employees to ensure LTWD is a safe and equitable place to work.
- Be fair, respectful and equitable with past and future tap holders, employees, and partners.
- Make the proper investments in people, technology and infrastructure to protect water delivery in the future.
CURRENT TERM: 2023 - 2027 4-year
DIRECTOR SINCE: June 14, 2018
BA Environmental Studies
Director McMurtrey lives and works in Berthoud with her husband, two children and sixty goats. Mrs. McMurtrey owns and operates Mutton Mowers, a commercial goat grazing business. She has over ten years of experience managing natural resources from a multi-faceted approach. Mrs. McMurtrey has specialized knowledge in land management, agriculture, water resources, water rights, weed mitigation and targeting grazing. She has a passion for working with communities and professionals to find new solutions to existing problems. She is outgoing and has strong skills building, connecting and engaging communities and their public entities.
Mrs. McMurtrey enjoys hunting, fishing, traveling and spending time with her family.
Personal goals for the District:
- Dedicated to the Little Thompson Water District motto of providing safe, reliable and fantastic tasting water at a reasonable price.
- Support proper investment and planning to ensure the motto holds true for both existing and future customers.
- Suppot long term water resource planning and diversifying the LTWD's water portfolio.
- Support the LTWD staff and policies to make it a fair, equitable and desirable place to work.
- Currently serving as Secretary/Treasurer of the South Ledge Ditch Company.
- Currently serving as Director on the Larimer County Fair Board.
CURRENT TERM: 2023 - 2027 4-year
DIRECTOR SINCE: November 10, 2016
Director Brandenburg has a Masters of Science in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University and a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
Director Brandenburg is a native of Northeast Colorado, attending CSU in Fort Collins, and for over 30 years has lived and worked along the Front Range. He has been a customer of Little Thompson Water District since 2013 and has served on the Board of Directors since 2016.
Mr. Brandenburg lives in Longmont with his wife. They enjoy travelling and are currently cruising the U.S. Intercoastal Waterways.
Personal goals for the District:
- Ensure that growth within LTWD does not impact service, quality, or cost to current tap holders.
CURRENT TERM: 2023 - 2027 4-year
Pennsylvania State University class of 1998 - Agronomy
Director Heiland is the assistant manager of outdoor services for the University of
Colorado Boulder.
- Currently serving on the Little Thompson Water District Board of Directors.
Mr. Heiland lives in Loveland with his wife and their family. Mr. Heiland enjoys many activities including hunting and doing DIY projects.
Personal goals for the District:
- Help to provide any added knowledge about Agronomy and Pumping systems to the already highly knowledgeable staff at LTWD where possible.
CURRENT TERM: 2022 – 2025 3- year
DIRECTOR SINCE: July 10, 2014
Attended University of Colorado, and received his Electronics Digital Technology Degree from Red Rocks Community College
Director Brandt served 4 years honorably in the U.S. Air Force-Microwave Communications division and was stationed at several air force bases throughout the world and the U.S. Mr. Brandt spent 2 years at the US Army Communications Command, Battle Creek, MI, performing realignment of non-operational microwave system to a rhombic antenna site, and 2 years at the Pueblo Army Depot Pueblo, CO, performing microwave maintenance for the HAWK Missile systems. Mr. Brandt has also worked for the Bureau of Reclamation Engineering and Research Center Lakewood, CO, in the design, development, and repair of equipment for Yuma Desalting Plant, Grand Coulee 3rd Power Plant providing Ground Water Data Acquisition (where 50 foot water level changes from generation below the power plant could cause soil collapse of the surounding river banks), as well as the Western Area Power Administration, Loveland, CO, on SCADA and microwave communications maintenance. Mr. Brandt is now retired from Federal Civil Service. Projects he has worked on throughtout his career include:
- During his military career he spent time working in the NORAD facility.
- CO Department of Fish and Wildlife-installed an alarm system at Carter Lake to prevent people from stealing fish that were laced with an herbicide to find out at what level the herbicide would kill the fish.
- Rebuilt current meters for CO Department of Fish and Wildlife that measured steam water flow.
- Installed a data logger at the Curecounti Dam Project to monitor cavation resulting from excessive vibration at the base of the dam.
- Ault Substation solar instrument installation.
- Wrote one page operating instructions for engineers on equipment they were using for field use.
- Set up calibration lab for electronic equipment. Repair of electronic equipment.
- Breadboard, test, layout circuit lines, populate microprocessor components, and install for a water quality sampler in the Yuma Desalting Plant.
- Cavity Voids testing of water tunnels in Wyoming area.
- Taught soldering techniques for engineers and technicians.
- Had fun and got paid to do so.
Mr. Brandt’s other interests include:
- real estate investing,
- remodeling single family homes,
- Ham General Radio, general license KE0UCC,
- growing non-GMO, heirloom, chemical-free fruits, and vegetables - Certified Wildlife Habitat,
- beekeeping: has 10 beehives,
- he is a vegan,
- started a softball league for all federal employees at the E & R Center in Lakewood that is still in play today (he was the "Comish"),
- service Glory Star Satellite receivers.
Mr. Brandt volunteers on the Board of Directors for the Little Thompson Water District as Treasurer, and a Director on the Carter Lake Filter Plant Board. Additional volunteer work, through his church group Rocky Mountain Adventist Community Services, include:
- disaster response along the Front Range setting up warehouse and distribution,
- mission trips,
- teaching classes,
- Web master for Mountain View Seventh Day Adventist Church,
- service.